Gav, Gugg & BP Do Trinners Baby...
Bono's bezzie buddy brigade were out in force last night, at the Trinity College Science Gallery of all places. Yup. Gavin Friday, Guggi and BP Fallon were totally down wiv da kidz at 'Biorhythm: Live'...
Gavin Friday |
Seems like those studious students at Trinners are down with electronic experimentation, and no, we don't mean sexually abusing a plug socket. That's just wrong and potentially lethal. Trust us. Ahem... It's all part of something called Biorhythm: Live and involves musos playing around with electronic music and such.
BP Fallon |
Bono's hood buds from waaay way back: Gavo Friday, Guggo and BP Fallo - were all there at the Science Gallery with BP and Friday performing something no doubt edgy, arty and futurey... You know, after BP Fallon kicks the bucket we reckon his body should become a permanent exhibition at the Science Gallery. Shame he's an immortal.
Guggi, Alex Dana |
Anyways. There's still one more night of Biorhythm: Live left folks. In fact, there's another gig on 01.10.10 (ominous looking date there) with Jennifer Walshe, Shlomo, The Mornington Singers, and Roisin Elsafty... Check it out.
BP Fallon |