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came & went, we feel so used!!!
Big Brother winner Brian Dowling came
home yesterday to Dublin to sign copies of the new
Big Brother 2 book in Eason's on O'Connell

over 1,000 loyal fans turned up to see the gay air
steward and some were left disappointed due to heavy

The Irish press were extremely upset after C4 security
pulled Brian away after only five minutes and told
the press to move back to the border of the signing
area. They then pulled Brian back down and then all
TV, Radio and print journalists were told they were
not allowed to ask Brian any questions.
ShowBizIreland.com asked Brian how it felt
to be home the star turned his head away refusing
to talk to any press. Radio and TV media were extremely
upset saying the whole exercise was a waster of time.
One radio reporter said, "They invite us here. Look
for publicity and then won't let us talk to him. It's
like will you please help us make more money for Channel
4 and then go. It's take, take take and they give
nothing back that not on."
Brian is believed to have sold his story to Hello!
magazine and may also be doing the Late Late show
for RTE... Wonder if his agent will let him speak
to Pat Kenny?